• We believe that the glory of God's holiness is made visible in the loving life-together of his people - their love for one another and their neighbors (Leviticus 19 and Luke 10:25ff).
  • We believe that the love of God is distinctively revealed in the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Jesus and in the sacrificial service of His people (Philippians 2:1-11; John 13-17).
  • We believe, therefore, that it is the life-together in self-sacrificial service to others that bears distinctive witness to the living reign of King Jesus in the earth as it is in heaven (Acts 1:6-8; Acts 2:42ff; Acts 4:32ff).
  • In our life-together as a congregation, we seek by faith to walk in obedience to the revelation of God's distinctive Love in Jesus through intentional, sacrificial service:
    • Participation in Congregational Life and Ministry: weekly cleaning of the church, nursery, teaching, greeting, volunteering, etc.
    • Chattanooga Valley Elementary School - many individuals are involved in various ways and at various levels to support, supplement, assist, and otherwise enrich the life of our community by participation in the work of Chattanooga Valley Elementary School.  Activities include substitute teaching, tutoring, volunteering, event organization, etc.
    • Meals Ministry - many of the members are involved as needed whenever a congregation member or friend or community member needs support with making and delivering meals.
    • (Acute Need) Care Teams - assembled on an as-needed basis